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          상품번호 : 165718
          페이스북 트위터 

          System Dynamics: Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Mechatronic Systems, 5/e
          판매가 46,000
          배송 택배 100,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
          총 상품금액 46,000
          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보
          발행일 : 2012년 01월 01일
          ISBN : 9780470889084
          가격 : 46,000원
          저자 : Dean C. Karnopp, Donald L. Margolis, Ronald C. Rosenberg
          출판사 : Wiley
          페이지 : 648면
          제본형태 : Hardback

          ● An expanded new edition of the bestselling system dynamics book using the bond graph approach   A major revision of the go-to resource for engineers facing the increasingly complex job of dynamic systems design, System Dynamics, Fifth Edition adds a completely new section on the control of mechatronic systems, while revising and clarifying material on modeling and computer simulation for a wide variety of physical systems.
          ●   This new edition continues to offer comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of bond graphs, using these important design tools to help readers better understand the various components of dynamic systems.
          ● Covering all topics from the ground up, the book provides step-by-step guidance on how to leverage the power of bond graphs to model the flow of information and energy in all types of engineering systems.
          ● It begins with simple bond graph models of mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems, then goes on to explain in detail how to model more complex systems using computer simulations.
          ● Readers will find:   -New material and practical advice on the design of control systems using mathematical models -New chapters on methods that go beyond predicting system behavior, including automatic control, observers, parameter studies for system design, and concept testing -Coverage of electromechanical transducers and mechanical systems in plane motion -Formulas for computing hydraulic compliances and modeling acoustic systems -A discussion of state-of-the-art simulation tools such as MATLAB and bond graph software   Complete with numerous figures and examples, System Dynamics, Fifth Edition is a must-have resource for anyone designing systems and components in the automotive, aerospace, and defense industries.
          ● It is also an excellent hands-on guide on the latest bond graph methods for readers unfamiliar with physical system modeling.

          ● 이 문서는 기계, 전기 및 유압 시스템의 간단한 본드 그래프 모델로 시작하여 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 사용하여 보다 복잡한 시스템을 모델링 하는 방법을 자세히 설명한다.
          ● 그것은 또한 물리적 시스템 모델링에 익숙하지 않은 독자들을 위한 최신 본드 그래프 방법에 대한 훌륭한 실무 지침서이다.
          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

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