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          상품번호 : 175613
          페이스북 트위터 

          (해외배송)(청약철회불가)[ 미국 나스코 제품 ]
          Simulaids 스마트 상태와 iPad * 제어 및 옵션
          Simulaids® SMART STAT with iPad®* Control and Options
          판매가 85,800,000원  할인내역

          구분 할인
          기본할인 18,800,000원
          이 상품은 해외에서 국내로 배송되는 상품이므로
          배송,반품,교환이 일반 상품과 다를 수 있습니다.
          해외배송상품 X
          해외에서 수입하여 판매하는 해외 배송 상품입니다.
          관세청 수입통관 신고 시 구매자의 개인통관고유부호가 필요하기 때문에 주문 시 구매자로부터 개인통관고유부호를 수집하게 됩니다.

          관세청에서는 개인정보 유출을 방지하기 위하여 개인물품 수입신고 시 주민등록번호를 대신 활용할 수 있는 개인통관고유부호 제도를 운영합니다.
          개인통관고유부호는 관세청 사이트(https://p.customs.go.kr)에서 신청 즉시 부여되며, 계속 같은 번호로 사용이 가능합니다.
          분실하면 관세청 사이트(https://p.customs.go.kr)에서 조회 가능합니다. 부호 체계는 P로 시작하고 13자리입니다.
          배송 택배 100,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
          총 상품금액 67,000,000
          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보
          ● SMART STAT offeres faculty and students the opportunity to simulate the tasks necessary to develop critical thinking skills. 
          ● This wireless, tetherless 75-lb.
          ● (34 kg) adult patient simulator operates through Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® technology.
          ● Programming skills are not needed to operate this simulator, simple control screens provide fast, user-friendly operation.
          ● The SMART STAT is portable and designed for economical use.
          ● The simulator’s rugged construction offers durability and dependability.
          ● The replacement parts are low cost and ensure continuous, reliable operations.
          ● In the Recording screen, Training documentation appears in the Recordings and substantiate student performance.
          ● Utilizing the Recordings feature establishes training and performance history.
          ● Creating a new Student list and selecting a Student name are easily available to the operator with just a tap.
          ● After a recording session, tap the PDF buttuon to make the records available to transfer to a computer for printing, editing, and archiving.
          ● Building custom scenarios is easily performed with the universal tap-select-tap system.
          ● Simply establish a time line and tap the choices you want the SMART STAT to demonstrate.
          ● Once the scenario is built and Done is tapped, it is immediately available for use during student sessions.
          ● By using skills selected for a particular scenario, faculty can track student behavior associated with patient assessment and treatment modalities.
          ● Document student performance using simple checklists for skills performed or medications administered.
          ● The selections coincide with the chronological list of events, which happen during the session and/or the scenario running at that time.
          ● SMART STAT features include: • CNS head with cholinesterase inhibitor toxicity signs: light reactive eyes that can be set to 3 sizes and/or nonreactive conditions, tears, nasal mucus, foaming mouth, ETCO2 discharge, and prerecorded voice and vomiting sounds • Wireless microphone for instructor dialog • Optional 16-channel wireless microphone to eliminate signal interference when using more than one SMART STAT • Lips and fingernails with cyanosis and CO flushing • Pericardiocentesis • Bilateral B/P and IV arms • FAST 1 I/O access in the manubrium • External jugular catheterization • 5-lead ECG monitoring & defibrillation • Urinary catheterization (Foley functional) with interchangeable genitalia • Abdominal sounds in 4 quadrants • Fluids onboard, including IV blood and urine output • Each pulse point can be shut down to emulate vascular difficulties or disease states • Lower left leg battery - up to 3-1/2 hours of operation per charge (extra battery legs are recommended) • Optional: Xtreme Trauma Bleeding Lower Arm and Lower Leg and Sim Vitals 5-Line Monitor, I/O Lower Leg, Amputated Right Lower Leg and Amputated Left Lower Arm with bleeding and response to correct tourniquet • Application: additional Battery Leg for ease in transition of ongoing sessions and scenarios
          ● SMART STAT’s other features include: • On-board air compressor with no external connections or baggage to move • Advanced Deluxe Intubation Head with oral and nasal intubation, break-out teeth, tongue edema, laryngospasm, cricothyrotomy, moveable eyelids, and the silicone head skin that utilizes a thin material capable of allowing the mouth to open naturally when the head is placed in the sniffing position for intubation • Heart and lung sounds: 6 anterior and 4 posterior lung sound speakers and 4 heart sound speakers allowing for sounds to be heard in appropriate places.
          ● Stridor is only heard in the upper lung speakers, wheezes bases is only heard in the four lower lung speakers, etc.
          ● • 12 always-active pulse points, in pairs, carotid, femoral, popliteal, pedal (dorsal arch), brachial, and radial • Distal pulses drop off with B/P set below 70 mmHg systolic • B/P settings of systolic and diastolic values with individual settings for the amplitude of the speaker sounds and to obtain an auscultatory gap • IM/SubQ injection sites bilaterally in deltoid and on right thigh • Bilateral chest complications of tension pneumothorax and chest tube insertion - no damage is done to the manikin and reuse is immediately available (replacement skins included) • Spontaneous respirations with chest movement • Stomach distension • Pericardiocentesis • Options for various Casualty Simulation Kits that depict wound and disease states
          ● Includes the following items: • SMART STAT patient simulator • 1 battery leg • Charging systems • Replacement parts, including pneumothorax pads, IV veins, IM injection sites, pericardiocentesis pads, FAST1 pads, cricothyrotomy neck skins, sets of teeth, and lubrication for intubation • 17 ECG rhythms with variations • Fluid reservoir filling device, storage bottles, and solution recipes • B/P cuff for use with SMART STAT • SMART STAT Pulse Oximeter • Embroidered STAT Simulator shorts • Set of 5 defibrillation site adapters • Hard carry case with wheels • Operating manual • Sim Vitals 5-Line Hospital Monitor • Amputated Bleeding Leg • I/O Leg
          ● Limited one-year warranty.
          ● Ships in four boxes.
          ● NOTE: Defibrillation with hands-free pad technology requires the use of a training cable, and the item number depends upon your defibrillation unit manufacturer’s name.
          ● The chest port adapters, furnished with the patient simulator, are used in conjunction with the training cable.
          ● SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Computer capable of using iTunes®* to upload scenarios and download reports
          ● *iPad® and iTunes® are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S.
          ● and other countries.
          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

          1. 주문하신 물품의 총 결제금액이 15만원 이상 (환율의 변동에 따라 다를 수 있음) 이면 과부가세가 발생합니다. 관부가세는 고객님께서 부담하시는 금액으로 문자를 통해 입금내역이 발송되며 해당 관세사로 입금하시면 통관처리됩니다.

          2. 해외구매 특성상 주문에서 배송까지는 평균 10~15일이 소요됩니다. 간혹 현지 제품 수급에 따라 부득이하게 시일이 더 소요 될 수 있으니 구매시 좀 더 여유있게 주문하시길 권합니다.

          3. 해외 내수품인 관계로 A/S에 대해서는 별도의 책임을 지지 않습니다.

          4. 해외배송 특성상 주문접수후 배송상태가 배송준비중으로 넘어간 경우 해외에서 국내로의 배송이 이루어지고 있다는 뜻입니다. 따라서 배송준비중으로 배송상태가 넘어간 경우 취소및 반품이 불가하므로 이점 양해 부탁드립니다.

          5. 타 해외구매대행 사이트에서 주문하신 물건과 주문날짜가 겹치지않도록 주의해 주십시오. 통관날짜가 같을 경우 합산관세가 부가되게 됩니다.
          회원님의 소중한 개인정보 보호를 위해 비밀번호를 주기적으로 변경하시는 것이 좋습니다.
          현재 비밀번호
          신규 비밀번호
          신규 비밀번호 확인
          6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합