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          상품번호 : 176099
          페이스북 트위터 

          Environment and Society: A Critical Introduction, 2/e
          판매가 45,000
          배송 택배 100,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
          총 상품금액 45,000
          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보
          발행일 : 2014년 01월 28일
          ISBN : 9781118451564
          가격 : 45,000원
          저자 : Paul Robbins, John Hintz, Sarah A. Moore
          출판사 : Wiley
          페이지 : 350면
          제본형태 : Paperback

          ● Substantially updated for the second edition, this engaging and innovative introduction to the environment and society uses key theoretical approaches to explore familiar objects.
          ● -Features substantial revisions and updates for the second edition, including new chapters on E waste, mosquitoes and uranium, improved maps and graphics, new exercises, shorter theory chapters, and refocused sections on environmental solutions -Discusses topics such as population and scarcity, commodities, environmental ethics, risks and hazards, and political economy and applies them to objects like bottled water, tuna, and trees -Accessible for students, and accompanied by in-book and online resources including exercises and boxed discussions, an online test bank, notes, suggested reading, and website links for enhanced understanding -Offers additional online support for instructors, including suggested teaching models, PowerPoint slides for each chapter with full-color graphics, and supplementary images and teaching material

          ● 두번째 판에 실질적으로 업데이트된 이 매력적이고 혁신적인 환경 및 사회 소개에서는 익숙한 개체를 탐색하기 위해 주요 이론적 접근 방식을 사용한다.
          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

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