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          상품번호 : 211385
          페이스북 트위터 

          (해외배송)(청약철회불가)[ 미국 나스코 제품 ]
          날씨, 기후 및 계절 책 - 9 점 세트
          Weather, Climate, and Seasons Books - Set of 9
          판매가 240,000원  할인내역

          구분 할인
          기본할인 53,000원
          이 상품은 해외에서 국내로 배송되는 상품이므로
          배송,반품,교환이 일반 상품과 다를 수 있습니다.
          해외배송상품 X
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          관세청에서는 개인정보 유출을 방지하기 위하여 개인물품 수입신고 시 주민등록번호를 대신 활용할 수 있는 개인통관고유부호 제도를 운영합니다.
          개인통관고유부호는 관세청 사이트(https://p.customs.go.kr)에서 신청 즉시 부여되며, 계속 같은 번호로 사용이 가능합니다.
          분실하면 관세청 사이트(https://p.customs.go.kr)에서 조회 가능합니다. 부호 체계는 P로 시작하고 13자리입니다.
          배송 택배 100,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
          총 상품금액 187,000
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          ● Explore these interrelated concepts that affect all life in this series of enchanting stories. 
          ● 32 pages each.
          ● Includes the 9 books listed below:
          ● Christmas Eve Blizzard - A young boy rescues a beautiful cardinal who is trapped in the snow.
          ● The boy places more importance on caring for the injured bird than in decorating the Christmas tree or opening his gifts on Christmas morning.
          ● A section at the back of the book contains information on how to make your backyard into a bird-happy habitat, several simple bird-feeder crafts, cardinal numbers, math games, and information on what to do if you find an injured bird.
          ● Clouds: A Compare and Contrast Book - Clouds come in diverse shapes and colors.
          ● Some clouds are fluffy, and others are wispy.
          ● Some clouds float high in the sky, and others sit low on the ground.
          ● Compare and contrast the characteristics of different types of clouds through vibrant photographs.
          ● A Warm Winter Tail - The animals in this clever story wonder if humans use the same winter adaptation strategies that they do.
          ● Do they cuddle together in a tree or fly south to Mexico?
          ● In this rhythmic story, take a look through an animal's eyes and discover the interesting ways animals cope with the cold in this rhythmic story.
          ● A Cool Summer Tail - When summer heats up, animals find ways to stay cool.
          ● In this story, animals wonder how humans stay cool, too.
          ● Do they dig under the dirt, grow special summer hair, or only come out at night?
          ● Prairie Storms - Learn about a year of ever-changing prairie weather and how the animals living in these grasslands adapt and survive in this harsh climate.
          ● Each month, read about a new animal, and learn about everything from how a prairie grouse can survive the January snows to how an earless lizard escapes the harsh, unrelenting drought of August.
          ● Ready, Set … WAIT!
          ● - When a hurricane approaches, humans learn about it from the news, make preparations to protect themselves and their homes from the oncoming storm, then wait for the hurricane to arrive.
          ● But what about wild animals?
          ● This book explains how nine animals sense, react, and prepare for a hurricane.
          ● Based on research or observations, the brief portraits are explained in simple, poetic language.
          ● Solar System Forecast - Freezing temperatures, scorching heat, and a storm bigger than planet Earth is just some of the wild weather you'll encounter on your trip through the solar system.
          ● Get your fun facts along with your forecast for each major planet, as well as the weather on dwarf planet Pluto and Saturn's moon Titan.
          ● The Sparrow and the Trees - The Sparrow family is ready for their trip south for the winter, but Papa's wing is hurt and he cannot make the trip.
          ● He asks the trees for help.
          ● One by one, the mighty, leafy trees of the forest say no!
          ● Will any of the trees help Papa Sparrow?
          ● What will happen to the selfish trees that turned him away?
          ● Discover why some trees lose their leaves in winter in this adaptation of a Native American folktale.
          ● Tornado Tamer - In this adaptation of The Emperor's New Clothes, Mayor Peacock declares he will hire a tornado tamer to protect the town.
          ● After a long search, Travis arrives to fill the position.
          ● This weasel plans to build a very special, transparent cover to protect the town.
          ● His magical cover is so transparent that only those smart and special enough can see it.
          ● Mouse is doubtful, but his questions are brushed off.
          ● Months later, the cover has been hung and Travis has been paid a hefty sum, but a tornado is in the distance and the town is in its path.
          ● Will the magic cover protect the town?
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